
Hi! My Name’s Aleisha

A Little About Me…

I am all about making life as you can make it but I also understand that sometimes life can hit you. HARD. It’s not always about having a positive attitude or about coming up with newer solutions to fix the problem. Sometimes, we just need to sit in our feelings. Not to wallow, but to just feel, absorb, and process our emotions.

This has been what I’ve been doing. Just feeling. Processing my emotions, thoughts, and fears with God. Making sense of where I am going and how I will get there all while striving to keep God in the center of it all.

Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Psychology but I have been taught by life in more ways then one. I have been homeless, been in programs, been in hospitals, lost jobs and found others, been in a fire, dealt with religious trauma, dealt with various trauma, and others that I may name up in the future as well.

Despite what I have been through, I have overcame many of the trials I faced when I was younger and now I want to share those same understandings and healing tactics with you as well.

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